
Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! No more dry, out of date textbook story lines! Here at JapanesePod101, you'll learn Japanese with fun, interesting and culturally relevant lessons that are easy to listen to. But not only are they fun - they're effective too! Join the hundreds of thousands of people already learning Japanese through the power of our mobile apps, desktop software and website with free Japanese lessons released every week!

Gizoogle was originally created by John Beatty, who started the site in 2005 as a joke after inspiration from a friend's constant use of the slang on America Online's Instant Messenger service and also by Snoop's "Doggy Fizzle Televizzle" program on MTV.


This website is only intended for mature audiences farmiliar with the slanguage used by Snoop Dogg, and anybody under the age of 13 should not visit this website without adult supervision.

Draw something in the left box! And let shapecatcher help you to find the most similar unicode characters! Currently, there are 11817 unicode character glyphs in the database. Japanese, Korean and Chinese characters are currently not supported.

Vocabularies of babies under age two are slightly smaller when parents mix elements from two different languages in the same sentence, a new study from Concordia University found.

But growing up bilingual does not confuse a baby and make learning to speak more difficult, rather it gives them an edge, a growing body of research suggests. They may be slower in picking up each language than children raised speaking just one, but that temporary drawback is offset by the benefits of bilingualism, said Concordia University psychology professor Krista Byers-Heinlein.

Vi förutsätter inte att våra studenter ska komma från gymnasiet med perfekta språkkunskaper. Den individuella språkutvecklingen är en process, och alla gör fel ibland. Vi är heller inga bakåtsträvare – som historiker är vi självklart fullt medvetna om att språk förändras. Vad vi önskar är att våra studenter kommer till oss med en svenska som fungerar.

Vi vädjar till landets beslutsfattare att tilldela svenskundervisningen de resurser som behövs. Dagens skolungdomar måste få ett fungerande språk. Vi som undervisar på universitetsnivå har inga möjligheter att täcka upp för de brister som uppstått redan i grund- och gymnasieskolan. Som läget är nu har vi stora svårigheter att ens åstadkomma en acceptabel kunskapsnivå i vårt eget ämne hos våra studenter – alltför många av dem förstår helt enkelt inte vad vi säger.

An app offering real-time translations is to allow people in Japan to speak to foreigners over the phone with both parties using their native tongue.

NTT Docomo - the country's biggest mobile network - will initially convert Japanese to English, Mandarin and Korean, with other languages to follow.

Even though the translations are bound to be hilariously bad sometimes, this may still be useful in some situations.

Att särskrivningar skapar missförstånd och försvårar förståelse stämmer alltså inte. Däremot kan de ställa till andra problem, och då snarast för skribenten. Läsarens irritation över den språkliga missen övergår till negativa tankar om den som skrivit. Även harmlösa normbrott kan på så sätt få stort signalvärde. Ett skäl så gott som något för att skriva ihop, för den som vill bli hörd.

Kanji radicals offer a new way of understanding kanji systematically.

By seeing patterns among a relatively few assortment of kanji radicals, students will be able to:

* Learn new kanji more easily * Better remember kanji already learned * Understand what meaning unknown kanji might represent

Continue on for some simple lessons on radicals and find out how to better learn kanji with less effort.

Children who grow up learning to speak two languages are better at switching between tasks than are children who learn to speak only one language, according to a study funded in part by the National Institutes of Health. However, the study also found that bilinguals are slower to acquire vocabulary than are monolinguals, because bilinguals must divide their time between two languages while monolinguals focus on only one.

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